Benefits of Good Posture

How To Work On Our Confidence And Self acceptance


Pride month is a great occasion for all of us to work on our confidence and self-acceptance. Here are a few challenges you can take to get there  – let us know what resonates with …


Exercises To Improve Your Posture - Home Workout Guide

Max Frenkel

Looking to strengthen your body and improve your posture without a bulky back brace? Good news, we’ve compiled a list of 10 exercises to improve posture, 5 stretches and 5 strength training moves you can …


A secret to longevity? Start by standing up straight.


It’s a new year, and resolutions are on all our lips. We want to be kinder and smarter. We want to be better cooks, more sensitive parents and friends, we want fatter bank accounts and …


How to Sit in an Interview and Get Hired

Max Frenkel

In this article, we’ll teach you how to sit in an interview in order to maximize your chances of landing that dream job. “What is your biggest weakness?” is always a tricky interview question. Oftentimes, …


What Does Good Posture Look Like?

Max Frenkel

We all know a sloucher when we see one, but what does someone with good posture look like? Every day, we engage in various activities without giving due consideration to the way we hold our …


5 Tips for Better Posture in the Office

Max Frenkel

Ron Livingston’s character in the movie Office Space said it best: “Human beings were not meant to sit in little cubicles staring at computer screens all day.” Whether you’re stationed in a cubicle or out …